
If you would like to get in touch regarding content please contact:

Editor: Gemma Goldfingle, gemma@retailgazette.com

Fashion & beauty : Georgia Wright, georgia@retailgazette.com

Grocery: Eloise Hill, Eloise@retailgazette.com

Department stores, home, tech & general merchandise: Aoife Morgan, aoife@retailgazette.com


For any digital advertising needs please contact our Commercial Director, Tom Glass.
E-mail: tom@retailgazette.com or call: 07854 369 791

If you’re interested in our events please contact our Event Director, Nikita Wolski.
E-mail: nikita@retailgazette.com or call: 07511 178006

Alternatively our Managing Director, Phil Burnard will be more than happy to help.
E-mail: phil@retailgazette.com or call: 07401 241 979


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