Sephora and Next are set to open new stores in Newcastle’s Eldon Square later this year as the landlord unveiled a new partnership with the local council to accelerate planning applications.
Next has signed a ten-year lease to open a 61,000 sq ft department store inside the former Debenhams unit in November.
Beauty giant Sephora will also unveil a new 6,600 sq ft flagship later this year, making it the brand’s fourth location in the UK.
The new openings come as Eldon Square revealed it had signed a new partnership with Newcastle City Council to help “accelerate and facilitate the delivery of a series of major new leasing deals, whilst offering significant benefits to the city centre and local community”.
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It said the deal will “optimise Eldon Square’s offering and expand the mix of brand partners beyond retail, food, and beverage into an exciting future and will include over 200,000 sq ft of new leisure and entertainment opportunities serving the city centre”.
The shopping centre added the partnership will create up to 500 new job opportunities.
Eldon Square director Pete Cooper said: “With these deals, Eldon Square consolidates its position as a Premier League player in Newcastle city centre and our flourishing partnership with Newcastle City Council enables us to progress our ambitious growth plans at speed.
“We are accelerating the centre’s performance, whilst helping to widen the city centre’s leisure and entertainment offering.”
Newcastle City Council leader Cllr Nick Kemp said: “This exciting announcement shows just how attractive Newcastle is for global retailers.
“It is a vote of confidence in our city centre and a statement of intent by the retail industry.
“Not only will the opening of these stores attract more visitors to our city but it will create jobs and boost our economy. We will work with partners to create more opportunities in Newcastle, that help grow an inclusive economy to benefit every resident.”
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